Diabetes & SSDI in Virginia
Working to Ensure You Receive the Aid You Need
According to the American Diabetes Association, 23.6 million people in the United States have diabetes. That equates to an astounding 8% of the United States population. Diabetes is a disease that is found in individuals whose bodies produce abnormally high glucose levels. When the insulin hormone in the body does not properly convert sugar and starches into energy, diabetes is the result. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with this condition, you may be entitled to receive benefits, and our Virginia attorneys may be able to help.
Types of Diabetes
In Type 1 diabetes, the body does not produce insulin. This was commonly referred to as "juvenile diabetes" because it is generally diagnosed in people at a young age.
Type 2 diabetes or "adult onset diabetes" is the leading form of diabetes in the United States. In this form, the body produces insulin, but it does not use it properly. Obesity and lack of exercise are common causes of Type 2 diabetes.
Gestational diabetes occurs in women who are pregnant. Some pregnant women's bodies are unable to produce the amount of insulin needed to support the pregnancy. The build-up of glucose in the body is passed to the baby in the placenta, which is then ultimately stored in the baby as fat.
A shocking 57 million people in the United States have a condition called pre-diabetes. This is the first step toward full-blown Type 2 diabetes, when a person's blood glucose levels are high and nearing the danger point.
Complications of Diabetes
Diabetes can lead to death when not properly monitored and regulated.
However, even when closely monitored, individuals with diabetes can suffer from other complications that make daily life tasks difficult or impossible, including:
- High blood pressure
- Stroke or heart disease
- Blindness
- Kidney disease
- Dental disease
- Nervous system damage
- Lower limb amputations
- Birth defects
- Sexual dysfunction
- Coma
- Impaired mobility
- Impaired sensations in the extremities
- Susceptibility to illnesses, such as pneumonia
- Pregnancy complications
Symptoms of Diabetes
Because most people in the United States have Type 2 diabetes, the symptoms of this disease can be overlooked as side effects of stress or other anxieties people face.
Symptoms of diabetes can include:
- Frequent need to urinate
- Fatigue
- Intense hunger or thirst
- Abnormal weight loss
- Blurred vision
- Irritability
In addition to insulin injections and other medication, diabetics can control this disease through diet, exercise, and listening to their bodies for signs of trouble. Of course, even diabetics who are dedicated to controlling this disease may still fall victim to some of this disease's life-altering complications.
If complications from diabetes are affecting the way you live your life and making it difficult or impossible to maintain a job, the Virginia diabetes SSD lawyers at Kalfus & Nachman PC can help you get the compensation you deserve.
Please contact us by phone at (855) 880-8163 or through the form on this page today for a free SSDI consultation.

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Massimo Morabito Attorney