3M Military Earplugs Lawsuit
Experienced, Aggressive Virginia Personal Injury Attorneys
Nobody deserves to suffer serious injury due to a defective product, least of all our armed forces. In the U.S. military, each service member relies on the effectiveness of the gear and safety equipment the government provides. The 3M Dual-Ended Combat Arms Earplugs, Version 2, which were issued to military members between 2003 and 2015, were defective in design, which rendered them ineffective for many users. These defects caused countless men and women to suffer hearing damage while using the defective earplugs in training and active combat.
Let Our Firm Help You
If you or someone you love was affected by these faulty earplugs, you have a right to seek justice and compensation from the liable party. Our experienced personal injury attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman have ample experience fighting for the rights of the injured, and we want to help you seek justice. To date, our firm has helped thousands of clients by using personalized strategies, aggressive legal tactics, and compassionate representation.
We understand how difficult it can be to deal with a hearing injury, especially if you thought the injury was just a part of the job when it was, in fact, preventable. Our knowledgeable firm can put our amble resources to work on your behalf if you or someone you love suffered a hearing injury while serving in the United States military.
Call our firm at (855) 880-8163 to schedule a free consultation with our 3M earplug lawyers.
3M Company Creates Defective Earplugs
3M Company, based in St. Paul, Minnesota, sold the U.S. military their Dual-Ended Combat Arms Earplugs, Version 2 to protect soldiers from severe hearing damage. For years, 3M maintained this deal and continued to supply the troops with their faulty earplugs, until a whistleblower came forward with claims that the products were defective. According to the whistleblower’s assertions, the company violated the False Claims Act and even continued to sell the military their faulty products after they discovered the defects.
Dual-Ended Combat Arms Earplugs, Version 2 Flaws
The whistleblower worked for a competitor of 3M and had ample information about the defects of the military earplugs. The earplugs were designed to have two different functions, depending on which end was inserted into the ear. At one end, the earplug was to stop all noise from entering the ear canal, while the other end was specifically designed to block louder, damaging noise from entering the ear while still allowing soldiers to communicate with one another.
Allegedly, the earplugs were designed with a key flaw—they were too short for proper insertion. As a result, the earplugs could slip from the ear imperceptibly during use, rendering them significantly less effective for certain users. As a result, several soldiers using these devices suffered major hearing injuries.
The Resulting Damage
Many of the soldiers who served in the United States military between 2003 and 2015 were issued the Dual-Ended earplugs for use during training and in overseas combat. Unfortunately, due to the major defects, the earplugs were less effective at protecting soldiers from significant harm.
Whether a soldier is taking part in a training exercise or serving on active duty, loud noises come with the territory. When soldiers outfitted with the 3M earplugs were exposed to explosives, gunfire, and other loud blasts, they could have experienced major hearing damage as a result. The most common side effects of this defecting product include hearing loss and tinnitus, a condition that causes buzzing or ringing in the ears.
Who Can File a Lawsuit?
According to a press release by The United States Department of Justice, the 3M Company responsible for creating and selling the defective military earplugs agreed to pay $9.1 million in a settlement. Due to the nature of the lawsuit, however, individuals who were damaged by these products could be eligible to file lawsuits in pursuit of justice and compensation.
Individuals who were injured by these earplugs could require extensive medical care, including surgery, medication, and other types of ongoing treatments. Additionally, hearing loss or hearing impairments could impact the person’s career, and may cause extensive pain and suffering. If you or someone you love suffered hearing damage after using the 3M earplugs in the military, our firm is prepared to hear your case.
Contact Kalfus & Nachman today to discuss your defective product case with our 3M earplug attorneys serving Virginia.

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