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  • VA Car Accidents

    • What Types of Compensation Can I Recover?

      If you have been involved in a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation for:

      • Medical costs
      • Future lost wages
      • Pain
      • Property damage costs
      • Rental car expenses
      • Inconvenience
      • Disability
      • Lost wages
      • Scarring
      • Future medical costs
      • Suffering
      • Permanent injuries

      Reckless and careless drivers are often punished by punitive damages, which are awarded in cases that involve willful and wanton conduct. Cases which involve a person driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol often result in these damages.

    • Can I Recover Medical Expenses After an Accident?

      Yes, medical expenses are recoverable in the average car accident claim. Medical expenses are usually the number one reason why people decide they need to file a car accident claim after an accident and not just depend on whatever the other insurance company wants to give them. With a successful claim, your past and future medical expenses should be covered entirely by the liable driver, up to their insurance cap. Even at that point, though, there might be other applicable insurance policies to file against for any remaining, unpaid medical expenses.

    • Can I Recover Lost Wages in a Car Accident Claim?

      Yes, you can seek lost and reduced wages through a car accident claim. For example, if you miss a month of work because of your injuries, then you can demand a month’s worth of your wages. If you receive employer-provided disability benefits that pay some of your missing wages, then you can still sue for the gap between those benefits and the normal amount. If your injuries are permanent and keep you from pursuing advancements in your career, then you could sue for future wages you will now not get the chance to earn.

    • Is My Claim Worth Pursuing?

      Yes, every claim is worth pursuing to some point. At the least, you should always talk to a professional car accident attorney about what happened to get their valuable and experienced input. They can tell you if your claim has a high enough value or strong enough evidence in your favor to pursue. For example, claims dealing with only a few hundred dollars or a couple of thousand dollars are generally straightforward enough to not require an attorney’s assistance. Or if there is strong evidence that shows you were 100% liable for the crash, then a plaintiff’s attorney would likely be unable to accept your case.

    • Should I Speak With the Other Driver’s Insurance Company?

      No. After your auto accident, the other driver's insurance company will more than likely contact you in an effort to obtain a statement. It is in your best interest to not speak with any insurance adjuster until you speak to an experienced car accident attorney.

      Insurance adjusters are trained to ask you questions, which can be construed to make you look like you have some fault in the accident. Insurance companies do not make money by paying claims, and that is why they wish to obtain your statement immediately following the wreck.

      Even if you do not realize how your statements may hinder your case, you should not speak to the insurance adjuster. Instead, call the experienced Virginia car accident attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman PC.

    • What Other Steps Should I Take to Help My Case?

      Call the police and seek medical attention immediately. You should always seek evaluation by a medical doctor to see if you have any internal injuries. Even if you do not think you are injured, your injuries may not be apparent to you. If possible, take pictures of the damage to the vehicles and the surrounding scene. Be sure to obtain the names of any witnesses to the crash. Have your friends and family confirm the names and addresses of these witnesses.

    • Should I Call the Police After a Crash?

      Even if no one was injured in the car accident, you should call the police. This is especially important if the other party was at fault. The police will write up an accident report, take down driver information and statements, and assess fault. They can also speak to the insurance company. If you have been injured in the crash, notify the police so that information can be included in the accident report.

    • Why Do I Need a Virginia Car Accident Lawyer?
      If you were injured in your car accident, you may have medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. A car accident attorney in Virginia can make sure you get the compensation you deserve. Insurance companies are notorious for low-balling accident victims and then dragging their feet on paying out claims. We can make sure the insurance company pays in a timely manner. In addition, car accident claims may be complex. The car accident attorneys at Kalfus & Nachman PC will explain everything to you in a way you understand so that your claim is very clear.
  • Norfolk Car Accidents

    • What Evidence Should I Gather After My Accident?

      If you were involved in a car accident, you should try to gather as much evidence as possible. If you can, take pictures at the scene of the accident. Document your injuries and keep a record of your medical appointments, keep a record of how your injuries have affected your life, and ask for copies of your medical records and the police report. If anyone witnessed the accident, try to get their name and contact information, and be sure to get the name, insurance information, and contact information of the other driver(s) involved. You should give all this (and any other evidence you have) to your attorney.

    • What if the Driver Who Hit Me Fled the Scene?

      If the other driver fled the scene, you should notify the police immediately. Known as a “hit and run,” this is a crime in Virginia. If you were able to get any information about the other driver—such as their general appearance, the make and model of their vehicle, or even the vehicle’s license plate number—the police may be able to locate them. Even if the police do not locate the hit-and-run driver, you could still have several options when it comes to recovering compensation. Contact our firm today to learn more.

    • I Lost Wages as a Result of My Car Accident; How Does That Affect My Personal Injury Case?

      Personal injury victims can be compensated for lost income and lost earning capacity.

      • Loss of income refers to actual wages missed due to the injury, like recovering from surgery.
      • Lost earning capacity looks towards the future and compensates for reduced ability to earn due to the injury's severity.

      For example, a spinal cord injury might prevent someone from working entirely, warranting compensation for future lost income. Proving lost income is simpler with work records and doctor's notes, while lost earning capacity requires expert testimony and considering future promotions and raises.

    • How Long After an Accident Can I File a Claim?

      Most insurance companies require you to file a claim within a few days to a couple of weeks after the accident. There may be some exceptions, including if you were hospitalized. However, you have two years from the date of the accident (in most cases) to file a car accident lawsuit in Virginia. Though this may seem like a long time, it can pass quickly. Over time, evidence can be lost and memories can fade. The sooner you contact Kalfus & Nachman PC, the sooner we can begin building your case.

    • What Should I Say to the Insurance Company After an Accident?

      We recommend that you avoid saying anything to the insurance company after the accident. The insurance adjuster may use something you say against you. You could accidentally admit fault, which could bar you from recovering compensation, or you could imply that your injuries are not that serious, which may lead to a lower settlement offer. The best thing to do is to avoid speaking to the insurance company at all until you have first spoken to a lawyer.

    • How Much Can Someone Sue for a Car Accident in Virginia?

      You can sue someone for the extent of your economic damage and a fair amount of non-economic damage after a car accident in Virginia. The total compensation you seek will be based on your losses and injuries, whether that amount is $100,000 or $10,000,000. Virginia does not impose any caps on economic damages, and non-economic damages usually at least match economic damages in value. That said, some cases may become limited by the highest available insurance policy payout based on the defendant’s policy or insurance provider.

    • What Are My Rights After Being Injured in a Car Accident?
      You have the right to seek compensation through the use of the civil court system if you did not miss the statute of limitations. You have the right to use your auto insurance policy to request coverage and reimbursement. You also have the right to hire an attorney to help you with either of these processes.
  • Careers

    • Does the Kalfus & Nachman Team offer training for new employees?
      Absolutely! At Kalfus & Nachman, we’re committed to your success from day one. We offer comprehensive training for all new employees to ensure you feel confident and supported in your role. We can’t wait to help you grow and thrive with our team!
    • Does the Kalfus & Nachman Team offer benefits for full-time employees?
      Yes, we do! The Kalfus & Nachman Team offers a comprehensive benefits package for full-time employees, including health insurance, dental, vision, and more. We believe in taking care of our team so they can take care of our clients. We’re excited to share more about these perks when you join us!
    • Does the Kalfus & Nachman Team offer paid time off or vacation time?
      The Kalfus & Nachman Team values work-life balance, and we offer generous paid time off and vacation time to our employees. We believe that taking time to recharge is essential for doing your best work.
    • Does the Kalfus & Nachman Team offer a 401K to employees?
      Yes, the Kalfus & Nachman Team offers a 401K plan to our employees. We’re committed to helping you plan for your future, and our 401K program is a key part of that commitment.
    • Where do I sign up to join the Kalfus & Nachman Team?
      We’re excited that you’re interested in joining the Kalfus & Nachman Team! To apply, simply fill out the application form at the bottom of this page. We can't wait to learn more about you!