Two likely scenarios lead to passengers filing claims after a car accident—when the other driver was at fault, or the passenger's driver was at fault.

In both cases, a claim against either driver's insurance policy would be considered a third party claim, since neither of the insurance policies is your own.
Third party claims can be sort of tricky to understand. For example, if both drivers were partially at fault for the accident and on driver's insurance doesn't cover the full cost of your losses, you may need to pursue an additional claim against the other driver.
The total amount you would be able to recover depends on the at-fault driver's liability coverage, and you're not able to double-dip into both drivers' liability coverage and receive more than you're entitled.
One of the most frequent instances of passenger injury
es involves riding in vehicles with drivers the passenger knows, and in many cases lives with—such as a close relative.
Usually, if the passenger and driver are related and live together, the passenger is already considered covered under the driver's policy, and won't be able to seek a claim against the driver's liability policy.
Navigating the red tape and paperwork involved after an accident is tough work, and might require professional help. If you're having trouble getting the compensation you deserve, seek out a qualified attorney ASAP.
#passengerinjuryclaim #hurtdrivingwithrelative