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43% of car-related deaths occurring during the Super Bowl are directly related to alcohol, and Super Bowl Sunday is the most dangerous day of the year to drive besides New Year's Day.Drive Safe

We're not telling you not to drink and have a good time. But every Super Bowl celebration needs a game plan.

This year, take a page from our playbook to make sure your celebration goes off without any penalties.

1. Plan ahead for how to get home.

If you're heading out to a bar or friend's house without a plan on how to get home, you're going to end up winging it—which often means driving home yourself, regardless of how much you've had to drink.

Set clear expectations for yourself:

“If I've had more than one drink an hour prior to heading home, I'm calling a cab.”

Ask trusted friends to be your designated driver, or hold your own party to avoid driving late.

2. Offer (and consume) non-alcoholic drinks.

If you're hosting a party that only offers beer and liquor, your guests are only going to drink beer and liquor.

Give guests a choice between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Offering water and more substantial food to soak up some of the alcohol is another winning formula for avoiding any late-night accidents.

3. Intervene if someone drinks too much.

We're unreasonably afraid to intervene when our friends or loved ones drink to much.

“I do this all the time.”

“I'll be fine.”

But every year, many people aren't fine.

Take charge of the situation—refuse to allow friends to drive drunk. Let inebriated party-goers spend the night. Offer to call a taxi. Do something.

A great tactic for limiting drunk driving is by setting a “last call” for drinks, preferably one hour before the end of the game.

4. Don't be ashamed to admit when you've had too much.

It's late in the 4th quarter. You're feeling flush. You think maybe you're OK to make it home by yourself. Maybe.

Don't risk it. Be big enough to admit when you've met your match, whether you're at a bar or a friend's house.

It's just not worth it.

A Better Way to Get Home

Every year we at Kalfus & Nachman witness drunk driving accidents that could have been avoided.

We wanted to do our part to fight these unneeded wastes of life, which is why we're offering free taxi rides home on Super Bowl Sunday and St. Patrick's Day this year.

All you need to do is call (855) 880-8163 on the night of the Super Bowl to request one of our designated cab companies. Mention Kalfus and Nachman Safe Ride Home, and we'll take care of the rest.

Please remember, cabs are only available to take you from drinking locations to your place of residence.

Above all else, have a great night—and call us if you need anything.

#hurtlinesaferide #superbowl #drunkdriving
