With the holidays fully upon us, you are undoubtedly planning out your family trips, get-togethers, and parties. While this is a joyful and amazing time to be with your loved ones, it is also a time to exercise caution while joining the millions of Americans taking to the roads.
During the holiday season, an unprecedented amount of people will travel to visit their loved ones. This increases airplane and train traffic, but more than anything else, causes an increase in road traffic.
Since there will be more people on the roads and often alcohol is consumed during these celebrations, there are a few days that you may want to avoid driving in order to protect your family from the risk of an accident.
Here are some days that you may want to avoid travel if you’re able to do so:
- Christmas Eve
- Christmas Day
- New Year’s Eve
- New Year’s Day (especially between the hours of 1am-3am)
These are highest times of travel and, because of the road congestion, can lead to horrible car accidents. We suggest traveling before or after these days, plan to spend the night rather than drive home late at night, and always have a designated driver.
Contact Our Attorneys For Help with Your Car Accident
At Kalfus & Nachman, our attorneys have seen far too many accidents occur during the holidays and we are hoping to help keep our community safe by offering information about which days you should avoid driving. We wish you and your family the safest and most-enjoyable holiday season possible. Should you be the victim of a car accident, please contact us for help with your injuries and suffering. Call us at (855) 880-8163. We are proud to help clients in the communities of Roanoke, Newport News, and Norfolk.